Definition and Etymology:
Porcelain and ceramic two words synonymous mean mud problem and dried under air and roast with fire in ovens became mud roast (pottery) and glaze to prevent penetration of water and fluids became Khozva (in Arabic) and ceramic (Greek and Latin), and the origin of the word ceramics back to the source Greco (Kiramos Keramos) or source ( Kiramas Kerames), and mean brick or mud vessels or from the source (Kiramon keramon) means vessels drink made of mud grilled, thanks in this designation common in the world of the term Ceramics opposed to Puteri foreign (Potere - Pottery) the potter French (Brongniart).
It seems that the event basis in the history of ceramics depends on collecting material dust to water to form slurry and displayed on the air to dry, and submitted to the fire to gain strength sustainability on the air to dry, as it seems they gesture love collected elements of nature four: earth, water, air, and fire to do configuration "configuration" ceramic art.
And here begins the story of the hand (tool) tool creativity, composition and configuration, dust collection tool), and represents the land on which soil into the pot, and the hand that brings water to the soil to give the viscous mud executable form.
It is forming artistic clay displays clay air which dries the container problem, and the hand that transmit after touches composition dried to fire for cooking (barbecuing) - is the mediator technical basis for the formation of balance between the elements of nature, which have formed "porcelain" (case of Creative Arts), a / hand Human artist / that made mass balance, shape and material possibility endless in terms of forming a literal and technical first and career what is the problem of porcelain Secondly, the artist potter is carved circle of mass basis soil and water (mud), and with the help cupboard goes potter beyond vacuum forming where one of the forces used the simple physics of the body "centrifugal force" which is equal to the spiritual dimension of any creative work depends on where the hand and soul together.
The integration of dirt into the water processed by the human art and with two hands is the production of a natural love of water for dust (the elements of nature, the Nile and the Euphrates, for example, is more like a human love of nature and love of nature for its own sake)
The social and spiritual value of any work casserole can not be separated from the basic function for which they have been making and lies in the level of choosing their owners, and show on a social level upscale and parallel in the material value to some extent and this is demonstrated decorative items.
Finally, he found a potter through the ages that it is natural to establish a close relationship and narrow give scale importance of the creative work of any real mud has formed, it is a confidential relationship like style mystic esoteric: The soul body - relationship soil land, have reflected that relationship and concepts borrowed sometimes decoration work ceramic.
So, in the old as today was pots are described by terms borrowed from anatomy aesthetic of the human body: Venga in ceramics from the lips, neck, shoulders, abdomen, legs, arm (ear to the Greeks) and feels like the sculpture of a living person or creativity to work neighborhood: China ceramic.
For this and without a doubt, an aesthetic work ceramic anytime and anywhere is not isolated from its Career Statute, which made for him, and that ??????? were on a deep knowledge of the values ??art that we talked about, and perhaps more than we imagine, and certainly through data more diverse still need to detect in future.
Ceramic material and configuration:
In addition to the fact that porcelain product manual, diverse in its basic components, it takes in the field of archeology various other indications, term ceramics becomes more often totalitarian when it crosses the historical stage, we say, for example, Mesopotamia or porcelain ceramics (Terasagelata) Roman is intended so the reference to technical things Made of porcelain with common characteristics: geographical, cultural, and technical These industry technical began to take its framework geographical and cultural in the second half of the Neolithic about / 6000 BC. M / in the Near East, such as: Hassouna in northern Iraq and Ugarit (Ras Shamra) in northern Syria.
With the escalation of the need to ceramic pots with multiple functions began to appear porcelain spread and evolved techniques to be manufactured according to the changing social conditions of the people in the citizen stability of new villages and settlements and cities, as well as with the beginning of historical times about / 3000 BC. M / Since that period income porcelain to meet the needs multiple humanitarian, whether domestic or Mdvinyh or ritualistic.
In everyday life used crockery for various purposes as storage grain, food and fluids, and in other cases to bury the dead or to contain the ashes of corpses burned in accordance with the religious rituals specific or even to provide the Dead requirements to live after death and to ensure continuity in the life metaphysical by beliefs of some ancient peoples. This constitutes material porcelain art historians and archaeologists background material for the study of the evolution of civilizations through the ages, and became aware of porcelain today from the basic sciences within archeology, So what are the specifics of this science to hand study and classification of ceramic materials and the diversity of forms and decorations? What are the basic materials that make up the porcelain?.
As noted above in the introduction to this study it can not talk about porcelain without knowing the soil properties, which are the basic material for most types of ceramics, soils mixed with water form the mud flexible and viscous stainless formation and contraction and cohesion after drought and stainless rigidity and ossification after firing, and soil is a mixture of silica and Almanaiziom by called clay Arabic and called Argela (Argilla) in Latin.
The process of preparing clay or dough clay based ceramics because the choice of materials and methods of preparation determine the pattern pieces made from them for this, the soil passed through several stages before its formation ????? first to be cleaned of impurities and so crushed and Tngelha and Tsoelha, and transferred later to the basin settling, may remain slurry in the basin for a long time depending on the basic need for manufacturing, and after drying mud taken from the basin and add the fine sand then knead with hands or legs to rid of air bubbles, and it becomes more homogeneous and fit for work.
Composition for ceramic art form:
There are ways used in ancient configuration process, which begins mass mud and ending Balaina or as artistic giant formation, we find three ways: the composition by hand, forming a wheel, and forming molding and casting, and is forming hand technique most forward and most simple terms is building vessels for example configures ropes of mud damage to spiral and takes the form of loops successive settled by hand to the walls of the container, and uses the potter a number of simple tools consisting of wood Kelmsot and Almakect, in the case of the formation of large business relatively ????????? that emptied from the inside so as not to distort or crack and explode during firing.
At the level of archaeological discoveries, to point out that large numbers of ancient pots problem by hand, which date back to the period between the sixth millennium and the third millennium BC., Express harmony in upscale aesthetic elements and reflect ancient potters capabilities in that period.
The formation a wheel goes back to the second half of the fourth millennium BC. M., and the first primitive form of wheel potter (wheel) discovered in Mesopotamia, and started to be used in the ancient world after that, and in the first it was a cupboard manually stirred by hand, a fixed base The disc collects mobile vertical axis, and appeared after the wheel with disks that moves by foot is the most sophisticated and still using to this day.
He helped discover the cupboard rapid potters ancient control rule and limited function hands on the settlement and the formation of dough clay better, and it must be noted here that the wheel allows the formation of pottery circular section only, With regard aftershocks piece ceramic (Kalmsb or Alzloma or neck or base or high refinery) , they are made in isolation from the pot and serve alone, then add to it and stuck after dry out a bit by soft mud.
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